My GE freezer is not freezing. GE freezer is an electrically powered kitchen appliance whose purpose is to keep the food cool so that it can be used for further use or later on.
Most of the time, you can also face the issue of your GE freezer that is not freezing. This problem of your GE freezer not freezing, can be stressful and needs to be solved as soon as possible.
To fix this, the one thing you can do is that you don’t need to panic, and you have to find out what is wrong with the GE freezer that is causing it not to free.
My GE freezer is not freezing
The following are some reasons why your GE freezer can stop freezing and cause trouble for you.
Condenser coils are not clean
If your GE freezer is not freezing, then one of the common reasons can be the dirty coils of the condenser of your GE freezer.
Sometimes when you have not cleaned your condenser coils for a long time then, the dust particles get to accumulate inside the coils of the condenser, and as a result, this causes it not to freeze properly, and as a result, the GE freezer stops freezing and doesn’t cool.
Solution to this problem
First, you need to locate the condenser coils to solve this problem. These condenser coils are mostly present at the back of the GE freezer, and sometimes they are also present at the bottom of it.
To get these condenser coils cleaned, you can take the help of a vacuum cleaner, or you can also use a brush to clean these dirty coils.
Freezer vents are not clean
Another common reason your GE refrigerator is not freezing can be due to the vents of your freezer that need to be cleaned.
These dirty vents of the freezer can disturb the normal functioning of your GE freezer.
Most of the time, debris and some dust particles get stuck in these vents of the freezer, which causes the freezer to not cool and freeze properly.
Also, many times some other particles get stuck in the freezer vents. Clogging is also one of the common reasons that cause the freezer not to freeze properly.
Solution to this problem
To fix this issue, you need to inspect the vents of the freezer. To do this, you have to open the freezer door and then see where the ducts of the freezer are present.
Once you have located the freezer vents, then the next step is to inspect them. Check for clogging, dust particles, or debris in the ducts. Remove the debris and get the vents cleaned.
Door seal is broken
Another common reason your GE freezer is not freezing can be due to the door seal of the freezer being damaged or faulty.
After you have closed the door of the freezer, then no kind of air can enter the freezer. This helps to keep the temperature of the freezer low.
This low temperature allows the freezer to freeze. If due, for any reason, the seal of the door is broken or is damaged, then this can result in the warm air moving inside the freezer. This warm air inside your GE freezer causes the freezer not to freeze.
Solution to this problem
This problem can be solved by closing the door of your GE freezer and inspecting if you see any gaps or leaks in the seal of the door of your freezer.
If you notice that the door seal of the GE freezer is damaged, then you need to replace it with a new one to avoid such inconvenience.
Thermostat is broken
Another reason can be the broken thermostat. The thermostat in a GE freezer controls the temperature of the GE freezer.
If this temperature sensor or thermostat is damaged, then this can cause the GE freezer to stop working.
Solution to this problem
This problem can be solved by replacing the faulty thermostat with a new one. In this way, you can easily solve the problem of the GE freezer not freezing.
Start relay is not working
Another common reason your GE freezer is not freezing can be the starter relay that is not working. GE freezer has a start relay.
The purpose of this start relay is to supply power to the compressor. If due, for any reason, this start relay is not working, then this can cause the GE freezer not to work.
Solution to this problem
This problem can be easily solved by replacing the starter relay causing the GE freezer not to freeze. Make sure you have replaced the damaged start relay with a new one.
Freezers play a key role in the daily routine of people. If you are facing the issue of your GE freezer not freezing, you may need to get it repaired as soon as possible.