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Shark duo clean vacuum brush not spinning

Shark duo clean vacuum brush not spinning. Hey folks! I know for what purpose you’re here. So, I am not going to consume your time in asking the questions.

Well, your mind is messed up with so many questions like why, how, and what to do with shark vacuum brush not spinning. Just hold on and wait a little bit more.

As far as I am concerned, shark is one of the top vacuum cleaner brands. But sometimes, it can also get out of order. Let me please you by saying yeah, you can fix it. All you need to do is to stick around me to know possible ways.

Shark duo clean vacuum brush not spinning

Shark duo clean vacuum brush not spinning 2023

Before jumping on to the possible ways of fixing, I thought it’s better to discuss causes. So that, you’ll take care of it in future. Let’s go through the causes first.

Filled Dust Cups

Shark has said goodbye to those pathetic bagged vacuum cleaners. Instead of that, there are dust cups that are way better than vacuum bags.

You don’t have to buy them again and again like bags. How’s that? It sounds incredible.

Well, cleaning the dust cups is quite important. You can’t leave them dirty otherwise the results will be horrible. This can severely affect the spinning of vacuum brush.

For fixing, Remove dust from dust cups:

Cleaning the dust cups should be on top of your to-do list. This will maintain the suction power. Not only this but it will also improve the working. It’s better to remove the dust on a daily basis rather than waiting for a complete fill-up. It’s for your convenience.

How to clean dust cups?

  1. Disconnect the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Remove the dust cups.
  3. Then, press the button of release.
  4. And empty the dust cups into the bin.
  5. Place it again.


Here comes another cause due to which the brush stops rolling. Blockage is common in all types of vacuum cleaners. Blockage is the result of wrapping of hairs around brush roll.

The tangling causes the reduction in speed and ultimately leads to no spinning. So, you’ll have to remove the blockage.

Fixation process, Clean the vacuum

By regularly cleaning the vacuum, you can make it last longer. It will prevent all types of blockages. And the brush will spin in a better way. This is what every homie actually wants.

How to clean?

  1. Firstly, power off the vacuum.
  2. Disassemble the vacuum.
  3. Examine each and everything inside it.
  4. Use cloth to clean the dirt buildups.
  5. Reassemble the vacuum at last.

Damaged hose

Shark vacuum damaged hose

The power supply to the suction head runs through the hose via wires. Any damage to the hose can cut the power supply.

In this way, the brush will stop spinning. So, it’s better to fix the hose if it is broken.

Fix it!

You can fix it by straightening the wires inside the hose.

Loose nozzle

The suction head or nozzle makes the brush spin. It receives power from a hose which is then provided to brush.

If the suction head will be loose then the brush will automatically stop spinning. Tighten the suction head when the brush will stop.

Way to fix, Tighten the suction head and hose

As mentioned earlier, loose suction head is the main reason. Examine the nozzle. If it is loose then keep on tightening it until it is locked. Now, your vacuum cleaner is going to work properly.

Burning of motor

Burning of shark vacuum motor

Motor is the powerhouse of any equipment. In the case of vacuum, the main power supplier of brush is motor. So, don’t expect the brush to spin when the motor is burnt.

What to do? Change the motor

Repair the motor or change it if viable. Replace it with a new motor and reconnect the wires again.

Faulty power switch

Shark vacuums are composed of two power switches; inner and outer. Both have different functions. They can wear out due to twisting of wires which in turn results in no spinning.

Is it possible to fix it? Fix the power button

It’s quite easy to fix the power button. All you need to do is to straighten the tangled wires. And the power button will start working properly.

These were the causes that resulted in poor or no spinning of vacuum brush along with fixation process. Go and check them.

The bottom line

Shark vacuum cleaners have made everyone’s life easy. There’s no way to switch on something else from this. Because you will become obsessed with it. You can either get a new one or repair the previous one in case of poor spinning of brush. Fixing the brush is damn easy. You can do it by yourself. Just read the above article and make this task possible. Thanks for visiting and reading the article.

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