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Yard machines lawn mower wont start

Yard machines lawn mower wont start. A lawn mower is an appliance used to remove unwanted grass or plants from your lawn and clear it.

This lawn mower is one of the essential pieces of equipment to keep your lawn clear. This lawn mower keeps your lawn tidy and clean. The lawn mower generally has some sharp iron plates used to mow the unwanted grass.

Sometimes you can also face problems with your lawn mower. Most of the time, the motor of this lawn mower fails to start.

This can cause inconvenience for you. But you don’t need to worry as this problem of your yard machine’s lawn motor not starting or working can be easily solved by following some simple steps.

Yard machines lawn mower wont start

Yard machines lawn mower wont start 2022 guide

There can be many reasons your yard machine’s lawn motor is not starting. The following reasons why your yard machine’s lawn motor won’t start.

Air filter is clogged

There can be many reasons why your yard machine motor is not starting.

One of its reasons is that your yard machine motor is not starting because the lawn mower’s air filter is clogged and is causing it not to work properly.

Sometimes, the air filter gets clogged with dust particles or other particles that cause it not to function normally. It is often also caked with grass which causes it to not function.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily solved by cleaning your air filter that is old and is not functioning. By cleaning the air filter, it starts to work normally again.

If even after cleaning, it doesn’t work or the motor doesn’t start, then you may need to replace this old air filter with a new one.

In this way, you can eliminate this problem that causes the yard machine motor not to start.

Faulty spark plug

Faulty spark plug

The spark plug is a type of plug-in for every electric lawn mower, and the purpose of this spark plug is to turn on the lawn mower.

Sometimes, this spark plug is damaged or faulty. This causes the yard machine motor not to turn on. Also, sometimes the spark plug is very loose.

Due to these loose connections, the spark plug fails to work as the connection is lost. This causes the motor not to function properly.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily fixed by replacing your faulty spark plug with a new one. Firstly try to clean the spark plug and also tight the connections.

If it still doesn’t work, then it needs to be replaced. For this, you need to open your lawn mower and replace the damaged or broken spark plug causing trouble and annoyance. After replacing it, you can easily solve this problem.

Carburetor is damaged

Sometimes the lawn mower’s carburetor or fuel filter is damaged, which causes it not to work properly. This can disturb its normal functioning.

When the carburetor of the lawn mower is not working, this causes the fuel not to reach the engine, and due to this, the hard machine motor fails to start.

Due to this, you can face difficulty in motor starting. This problem needs to be solved to avoid such inconvenience.

Solution to this problem

This problem can be easily solved by getting this carburetor or the fuel filter of your lawn mower repaired.

Try to fix it, but if it cannot be repaired, then you need to replace it as soon as possible to eliminate problems such as the yard machine motor not starting. In this way, you can fix this issue.

Fuel tank is empty

One of the common reasons your yard machine lawn motor is not starting can be due to the empty gas tank of this lawn mower.

Sometimes the fuel from the lawn mower evaporates, which stops working, and the motor fails to start. This can cause trouble and inconvenience for you.

Solution to this problem

This problem has a very simple and easy solution. You can easily eliminate this problem by filling your lawn mower’s gas tank with fuel.

After this, try to restart your yard machine lawn motor, and it will easily start.


No doubt lawn mowers are one of the most used appliances when it comes to gardening. And to keep your yards clean, this yard machine is your first and foremost choice. Many times minor inconvenience can lead to your machine stopping working. For this, you need to get this issue resolved on your own. By the steps mentioned above, you can easily fix your yard machine motor not working without needing any professional help.

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